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How will a good user guide contribute to your business?


There are areas where it is mandatory to attach a user manual to the product.

But there are many more reasons why every company should invest and prepare good technical instructions:

A good, simple and independent experience for the customer

A high-quality illustrated brochure will include technical illustrations that will be clear even to a non-professional, along with any other information that is important for the customer to know.

The instructions, combined with graphics, will be designed in a simple, aesthetic and easy to understand manner.

Good preparation of the training materials will help customers to assemble the product correctly and solve problems if they are encountered. Please note, people will always prefer to solve a problem immediately and independently than to wait for help from customer service by phone, face-to-face or via email.

Quality assembly instructions will allow them to do this, to feel control and familiarity with the product they bought. The instructions we illustrate are tested on potential customers who are not familiar with the product. The drawings and illustrations undergo changes and adjustments until their success is proven in the field.

Illustrative drawings for product developers

The process of producing explanatory drawings for the use of the product usually happens towards the end of the product development. The process in which the product developers work with the designers at Grupa Studio is an important landmark in the development of the product. The creation of the instructions floods the last questions and necessary precisions and enables an examination of things in front of a potential client.

Information is also available and convenient for employees and sellers

An orderly instruction booklet in which assembly steps are illustrated and clear, important information about the product, various uses, highlights and warnings also helps employees within the company and not only customers.

Any employee or seller in general and new employees in particular, can easily zero in on the product and all the information they need. Such a product brochure will save time in overlap and employee training.

A respectable and professional appearance for the product and its accompanying materials

A lot of thought and work is usually invested in product development. Every detail goes through a development, testing and design process. The product information brochure should meet the same design level and the same professional reference. An amateur guide hurts the customer's impression and his feeling towards the product.

Engineering drawings that are not suitable for an end customer will deter and give the wrong impression.

We make sure to match the language and graphics of the instructions to the brand and product:

- Product illustration and explanatory illustrations of different types have a character and language like any graphic - a very technical illustration, a light and fun illustration, an atmospheric illustration, a professional and business illustration, and more. We will adapt its style to each product and brand.

- From a design point of view, we will design the instructions according to the company's existing brand language. If there is none, we will create an instruction booklet design that fits the product and the spirit of the company.

 Illustration of a hand opening a faucet. The end of the tube should be inside the pot and not outside
Instructions for Solidrip, home irrigation system, illustration in professional but light language

Reducing expenses on customer service

There is a direct relationship between the quality of the explanations in the instructions and the number of references to the service. If you spend the necessary time (it's not a lot of time in the end, we'll be quick about it) in producing good technical instructions that contain successful illustrations, you'll save time in a much more significant way...

When the ability of the customers is greater and the product is clearer, there will undoubtedly be fewer breakdowns, complaints and problems.


As soon as all the information about the product, including warnings, instructions for use, maintenance instructions, safety instructions and important highlights have been presented to the customer in a clear and accessible way, there will be significantly less room to make claims against the manufacturer for damages caused by incorrect use or lack of knowledge.

Prohibitions and instructions in the product are illustrated with pictograms - it is forbidden to stand on the chair, it is forbidden to jump, it is forbidden to sit on the backrest
A graphic icon is one of the ways to convey instructions and warnings in an inviting and receptive way. From the set of icons we designed for Keter

Greater satisfaction with the product

As soon as the customer followed good instructions for using the product, assembled the product correctly and used it correctly, the chances of being satisfied are much greater. He was spared a significant amount of time of trials and failures, he feels satisfied, feels that he was treated with respect and was allowed to succeed. He put the product together in his own time, without needing outside help and now knows everything he needs to about the product. On the other hand, incorrect assembly will result in defects and unsatisfactory performance of the product.


A frustrated and disgruntled customer will tell his friends, write a dis-recommendation, express himself on the networks. Unclear assembly, unexplained use or lack of information will eventually lead to a decrease in product sales.

Conversely, a satisfied customer is an important detail in the product's marketing chain.

An instruction booklet of any kind (assembly instructions, installation instructions, user instructions, operating instructions, etc.) are an integral part of the product's marketing materials.

 An illuminated patio cooler during a party, drinks and food are placed on it
Submission proposal, illustration for a product- Patio Cooler, Keter

Time saving for everyone

The company's employees know the product well from a simple look at the instruction booklet and could provide the customer with information that led to the purchase. The customer assembled the product without unnecessary delays and complications.

Customer service was spared a phone call/store visit/email in which they were required to help a customer who got involved in assembling or using the product. And marketing? A satisfied customer will tell his friends and spread the word.

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